Monday, September 21, 2009

Gary seems to be adjusting to home life again. He has had one bout of low blood pressure which Mia recognized and checked quickly. She was able to get it back to normal in a short time and he was fine. We called to remind him and Mia about the Razorback game on Saturday, but we haven't thought to ask him if he watched it. We called today and his therapist was there working with him so we only talked to Rosie who was there to help Mia a little while.

We are planning a trip out there in October but haven't decided on a date yet. We're anxious to get to spend some time with all of them. We'll try to keep you updated every few days.

Again, thanks so much for your prayers and concerns during this time.

Love, Bill and Nancy

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well, today Gary went home!! After 4 months and 4 days (127 days), he finally got to go home. I just finished talking with Mia and Gary and he was eating lunch and feeding the dogs about every other bite! She said both of the dogs have not left his side since he'd been home. Once they even got in the bed with him and he had to yell for her to get them down.

Mia said that the nurse would be out soon to do an assessment on how much care he would need at home and they'll arrange for someone to be with him. However, Mia said that Rosie will also be helping her. Mia had already transferred Gary from the chair to bed and back about four times and had made it fine.

Gary was sitting by his huge aquarium with salt water fish and enjoying it. Mia and the boys had gotten it for him for his birthday in April and he didn't get to enjoy it very long before he got sick. It'll be an enjoyment for him now for sure.

I just want all of you to know how much we appreciate all your prayers, letters, e-mails, and concern during these past four months. God has heard us and given Gary back to us. We just praise Him for that and we all know that Gary is here for a reason. Let's just pray that God will show Gary what it is and that Gary will recognize it.

Don't stop praying! Gary still has a long way to go to be back to his old self.

Much love and thanks to all of you!

Nancy and Bill

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm sorry to be so long in posting, but I don't talk to Mia every day now that she's so busy. However, she did call us last night and put the phone on speaker and we got to talk with her and Gary. Gary seemed to be doing much better and his speech has improved a lot. They now have a "go-home" date (remember before we only had a goal date) which is next Thursday, 9/17/2009. How many of us never thought that day would come?? It will be four months tomorrow since he had the heart attack. That's a long time to be in hospitals!

Please be in prayer for the whole family as they make yet another transition. Preparing the home for Gary will be an undertaking, since they have a two-story house. However, they do have one bedroom downstairs for him until Mia gets a lift for the stairs. There's a nice large patio for Gary which is wheelchair accessible (with assistance) and he loves being out there. He is reading now and working some games, etc. on his laptop. Also, being at home, he can have a cell phone with him to use when he wants.

God has been good to Gary and all of us. We just praise Him for what He's done! Pray that Gary will soon realize that, too.

Much love to all and thanks for your continued prayers,

Nancy and Bill

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A note from Mia today indicated that after meeting with doctors and staff, Gary may get to go home before the 17th of September. Mia said the hospital will send a team to evaluate the home for suggestions to make life easier for Gary and the family. She will know more later in the week and will let us know. Bill and I are still on standby to go and help when she gives the word. So, please pray for all of us as this miracle unfolds. We all have prayed and waited for the day that he could go home and now it's becoming a reality. Praise God for giving Gary back to us!

Much love, Nancy and Bill