Monday, June 8, 2009

Gary had a good day yesterday. He had a lot of company and Mia had him almost in a sitting position in his bed. Everyone thought he looked good. Mia stayed all day with him. She takes her lunch with her now and goes out to eat when the nurses are working with Gary. She says she has a nice place to sit where there's lots of pretty flowers and benches to sit on. She tries to return all her calls while she's outside.

She wanted to get there early today to try to catch the doctors so that she'll know what their plans are for Gary, as well as their expectations for him. She's very optimistic and she's still doing the range of motion exercises on his arms and legs.

She said that she would call again today after she'd talked with the doctors and I'll do another post after I hear from her.

Please don't give up praying!

Love, Bill and Nancy

P.S. She said she forgot the drumsticks yesterday but would try to take them today.

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