Monday, July 13, 2009

Talked with Mia yesterday afternoon and got an update on Gary. She says he's still doing well and improving some every day. He has days where he's very agitated and seems to be trying to wake up some areas that have still been asleep and he can't quite figure things out. I'm sure this must be very upsetting to him. Mia has continually tried to keep him informed about what happened to him and how long it's been, etc. It's been 2 months ago today and we still can't believe that he's made it this far. As I've said before, he's always been a fighter and never gave up on things and I'm sure that's in his favor.

He continues to have lots of company and Mia says this is good - for him and her - because it takes her mind off helping him while they are there. However, she said if she's in the room while company is there, he will just follow her with his eyes and doesn't seem to see the others. So, yesterday she went outside while the company was there so he would concentrate on them. That's when she called me. The grounds at the hospital are very pretty and she enjoys getting out there some each day.

Please keep praying for him and her as well as all the kids. Also, if you'd like to send cards or mail to Gary, he is now in room 31 (he was in 41B).

Thanks for everything, Nancy and Bill


  1. Nancy,
    This is Marcelle (Myrick) I went to school with Gary and our families were friends at Lake Conway.
    I've often wondered about how Gary was doing in the adult world. Lori Miller found this blog and forwarded me the link. So sorry to hear but it is encouraging to read his progress. I hope you can get some pictures of his family posted sometime. I always thought highly of him in school and we had fun on our summer adventures at the lake. I'll keep checking here for news. love and prayers Marcie Myrick Masters.

  2. Dear Bill and Nancy,
    I a so glad I found the blog and the updates on Gary. We were just talking about him 2 days ago, so it is quite surprising to hear about Gary's heart attack and current condition, yet so encouraging to hear his progress and the determination he has in his heart. I pray for you all and Gary, Mia, the kids, that you feel God's comforting arms around you and that you are thought of constantly. May God bring you some peace and solace. He is a good God, and we are all His children. He is watching out for Gary. Tell all that I am thinking of them and love you all. God Bless you! Would it be OK for me to reach out to you this weekend? We are having our 30 year high school reunion and would absolutely love to catch up with you by phone. Don't want to bother or overwhelm, but would be honored to talk with you and catch up. If so, let me know your number. We are driving to NLR tomorrow, Thursday, 7/15. Will see mom and dad for awhile then staying in a hotel. My cell number is 936-443-0022.
    In His Blessed Name,
    Greg Brown
